محتويات المقال


استثمار المستقبل

متخصصون بالأوقاف والوصايا.

Since investment funds offer a package of advantages that enhance the ability of endowments to be sustainable, such as diversification of assets, governance, professional management, the ability to predict, and addressing risks more effectively.

This integrated study seeks to introduce the endowment sector to modern investment tools and motivate it to benefit from them. Therefore, this study focuses on investment funds, which are one of the most important modern investment tools.

In this context, this study provides readers with an overview of investment funds, their main types, and a breakdown by investment market.

It also examines their structure and establishment procedures, as well as how investment decisions are made.

In addition, it introduces the aspects through which the endowment can benefit from the investment fund tool. Along with displaying options that enable them to manage its investments through these funds. Furthermore, this study addresses endowment investment funds, clarifying their nature, reviewing their main.

characteristics, directing laws and regulations related to endowment investment funds, and covering procedural steps for establishing an endowment fund.

While reviewing the reality of investment funds and provides forecasts for their future.

In addition, this study spares no effort in clarifying the jurisprudential adaptation, legal and statutory provisions that surround these funds, their work, management, investment methods and fields, rights and obligations, and precautions.

As with all relevant legal and statutory aspects, which allow the practitioner to be aware of the aforementioned and can expand on its topics through the references mentioned at the end.

The research team also paid special attention to investigating ways to develop endowment investment funds, as well as preparation and implementation plans for development projects.

Other important points that should be noted, so that the endowment sector can benefit from this product in preserving its assets, sustaining them, perpetuating their investment, and keeping their benefits according to their specified aspects.

In view of this, while proceeding in these scientific and field studies under the generous sponsorship of BANK ALJAZIRA, Future Investment hopes that this study will meet the expectations of the broad endowment sector everywhere.

While we would be pleased to receive any notes and suggestions at the addresses listed on the cover of this book, as we will always welcome and appreciate any feedback and/or suggestions in this regard.

الصناديق الاستثمارية الوقفية Endowment Investment Funds

لتصفح وتحميل الدراسة PDF

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